Vanessa came to see me just before the summer for a "Etre Soi M'Aime" session.
These sessions are longer than classic portraits. We take the time to discuss your desires and sometimes your apprehensions beforehand, I show you the studio, we choose the settings and the outfits together, we have a coffee and we make an appointment.
During the session I guide and advise you, but I don't impose anything, I want these photos to look like you, so that you can recognise yourself and (re)connect with yourself. You can come accompanied if you feel more comfortable. We can finish the session in a "boudoir" atmosphere, if you feel like it.
We have booked the services of Cyrielle for Vanessa's beauty makeover. The physical preparation for the session contributes greatly to the mental preparation, it is a step that is not compulsory, but that I strongly encourage. I really like Cyrielle's work, the result is always very natural and the "wow" effect always guaranteed.
Vanessa wanted to do photos in a bohemian spirit to start with, then a little dressed up, and a little more undressed to finish. Cyrielle did 2 different make-up and hair styles, the first one quite natural, and the second one more sophisticated.
As usual, I had prepared three different worlds and planned to take photos on the terrace overlooking the garden, in the living room, and finally in the studio.
I let you discover the result in pictures, and Vanessa's beautiful smile at the end of the session...